I sanitize all high-touch surfaces regularly, keep a UV+HEPA filter running at all times, and have an in-room fan constantly circulating air.
I have kn94 masks available for both myself and my clients.
I'm dedicated to staying healthy and preventing the spread of contagious illnesses. I will never come to work with cold/flu symptoms or a fever.
In addition to standard room sanitization I've added a HEPA/UV filter in the massage room.
If you feel unwell the morning of your appointment, you MUST text or call me to cancel. As long as I receive clear communication from you, I will gladly waive all cancellation charges (cancellation fees will apply in a no-call/no-show situation).
Because of the close contact nature of massage I am requiring of all my clients to be fully vaccinated.
When you confirm your appointment, you see covid screening questions confirming that you are symptom-free and have not recently been in contact with anyone with a known infection.
While the type of work I do (barefoot massage) is by its nature more physically distanced than regular (hands-on) massage, there is still an inherent risk in extended close contact with others outside you immediate family. Feel welcome to contact me directly if you have any questions.