RelaxPDX is owned by Kirstin Davis (she/her), Oregon License #10154. I aim to offer a world-class massage experience while maintaining my individual therapy style. My bodywork practice is floor-based. My clients lay on a cozy padded massage mat, and I mostly use my feet to massage. Even after 20 years in the industry, my work continues to be dynamic and improvisational. Clients never get the same massage twice. I modify as I go based on the feedback I get in the moment (both verbal and by noticing tension patterns in the client's body while I'm working). This unusual level of personal service is why more than 80% of my clients are referrals from other clients. I offer a comfortable, clean space, luxury amenities at a fair price, and a friendly massage therapist who listens but is not gossipy or full of personal drama. I tend to work quietly unless my client engages me in conversation (the #1 complaint I hear about previous massage therapists is that they talked too much).
I enjoy tough cases with active clients. The golfer whose hip pain keeps him from playing his best. The veterinarian who hurt her shoulder lifting an anxious dog. The new mom whose neck is killing her because she is constantly carrying around her new bundle of joy (and a 30 lb diaper bag). And, athletes, I see lots and LOTS of competitive and recreational athletes. From disc golf to dance to roller derby, athletes develop pain patterns based on how they use their bodies for their chosen sport. I help relieve the pain and stiffness so they can return to doing what they love.
I'm a Portland native, and my child Bree is a professional dancer, choreographer, and student at the University Of Oregon. I have four pet goats and three resident (wild) crows that beg me for food daily. I've been married to Brian for 24 years (and he only occasionally smells like a goat).
If hobbies are the things you do when you aren't working, I'd say hobbies are cleaning up after goats, washing massage sheets, and sending memes to my daughter. I own and manage the Massage Naturally studio and mentor other massage therapists. Recently, I've begun teaching communication classes, and I hope to develop a post-graduate education program in my Barefoot Fusion Massage technique.
I graduated from the Oregon School of Massage in 2002, focusing on deep tissue and medical-massage. In 2017, I transitioned to an entirely floor-based barefoot massage practice.
I regularly take advanced education classes to improve my skills. Recently, I've focused on integrating assisted stretching and added the option for clients to book a "stretch and massage" service.
My most recent post-graduate class was a Sarga Bodywork class in July 2024.
RelaxPDX is located inside the Massage Naturally Studio. Massage Naturally is just West of downtown Portland in Raleigh Hills.
I've been at Massage Naturally since 2009; in 2014, I became the leaseholder. We are a massage-exclusive multi-therapist studio. Clients love the cheerful and clean space, and LMTs love the flexibility that sharing space offers.
I'm working on this part of my website, but I need to go outside to weed and plant my vegetable garden. I'm surprised that anyone got this deep on my info page! So, if you are reading this, congratulations! You now know that this site was created by a human and not an AI.